Halloween night
Again I arrived late for school. After school I went to Arthur house and I told him everything that was happening.
"The same is happening to me," said Arthur. This was now getting really strange and scary.
Finally it was night. On Halloween night Arthur and I where partners for trick-or-treat and we were hopping for lots of candy.
At one point we became apart in the excitement of running from house to house. I call out to Arthur but he disappeared out of sight. At that moment I started to her strange and scary sounds. I was really scared so I ran with out looking back and abandoned my friend. Then I saw a vampire coming straight at me. It was the same one that had knocked on my window. I was really scared because he was real. I ran even faster. In the middle of all the confusion and running I bumped into Arthur.
"Ahhhhh," we both screamed.
"It's you," he said. "Why are you so scared?"
He was scared. I told him everything that happened.
"The same happen to me, just that I didn't see a Vampire I saw a monster like your mask". Arthur said.
"And I saw a vampire like your mask".
Now I was very scared. Arthur was even more scared than me but he wanted to continue tick treating so we did. I continued to look over my shoulder, but soon got in the spirit of candy and fun again.
It turned out to be a great night after all with lots of candy. When I got home I had my father go through the treats for a good inspection. After, I had the pleasure of enjoying some sweet treats.
My little brother and I sat of the floor and stuffed our-selves. My father explained how dreams and visions could be influenced by what we see during the day or on television.
We brushed our teeth because it was bedtime again. I was still scared of having scary dreams so my mom read to us a story that was happy and peaceful. It did the trick and I had nice dreams.
I wonder what will happen next Halloween...
The End
Carlos Philip Costa Rodrigues
11 years old