Synopsis: Carlos, a young Portuguese-Canadian, travels from his home in Canada back to Portugal to pay his respects
at the grave of his recently deceased grandmother. This simple trip, however, sparks a series of life-changing events. Next
to that of his grandmother is the grave of Padre Manuel Antonio Gomes Himalaya—priest, scientist, inventor, ecologist
and humanist. Intrigued, Carlos seeks to learn more about his fellow countryman and finds himself retracing the steps of the
remarkable nineteenth century priest through France, Great Britain, the United States, and South America. Then a chance encounter
with an American tourist leads him to the solar furnace, an extraordinary invention that Himalaya exhibited at the 1904 World’s
Fair in St. Louis, Missouri, and has not been seen since.
But what secret is the furnace
hiding? What is Himalaya trying to tell him and the world? And who should he listen to? His desire to get ahead in the life,
or the needs of his heart…
Characters: Carlos is a character searching for meanings in life and healing from PTSD. He uses the symptoms of PTSD to make up
the fabric of his personality. He also pick up traits from the priest Manuel Gomes Himalaya that are not so, in a manner of
speaking, ethical. For example: a catholic priest is not allowed to have romance in his life and since suspicion has filled
his biography writers, Carlos shall take on the role of a flirty man. Himalaya is an invisible always present character throughout
the story through the emotions and actions of a changing Carlos. Through the research that Carlos does on the priest, a real
character, the two become one. Maria, Helene and Emilia, his lovers, play the role of time historical context placement of
a particular philosophy of life. One that has probably helped mould the priest’s real life. Senhor Alberto and Terry
represent the contrast of a developed North America with a medieval northern Portugal that is partially in the past and partially
in the present modern European Economic Union. This difference and contrast of developed nations and communities, serves to
show the historical and economical context of Himalaya and how he was ahead of his time. Senhor Alberto and Terry have common
grounds as well: they both believe in family and the importance of attachments and feelings of security. To them, this is
how they define home.
Other work has been done on
the same character, Himalaya, namely biographies in the Portuguese language. The most recent is the work of Professor J. Rodrigues
in Porto, Portugal. It is an extraordinary work.
I’m also privileged in terms of
my knowledge and research regarding the story of Himalaya. I was born and raised in the same community, in northern Portugal,
and I personally know his present relatives. My own grandmother use to tell me tales of this incredible Witch-Priest.